Therapy Sessions

Online Early Intervention Groups

Early Intervention Groups: For pre-school children.

These small group zoom sessions are led by a specialist speech & language therapist and are a great opportunity to ask questions about how you can help to progress your child's development. The sessions focus on problem solving with parents and draw on evidence based therapy approaches for children with Down syndrome to provide advice and therapy strategies to try at home.

The sessions are limited to 3/4 parents to enable the therapist to have time to target advice for each family and provide specific activities to each parent. These sessions are a great way to meet other families with children with Down syndrome as well.

Suitable for children from 2 - 5 years old.

Cost:  £10 per session 

Duration:  1 hour

In person Early Intervention Groups

Early Intervention Groups: For pre-school and Primary school children.

The small group sessions and are led by a specialist Speech & Language Therapist. The aim of our sessions is to empower parents to support their children's development with practical activities they can carry out at home or in their childcare setting. 
The sessions
 provide practical activities with targeted interaction strategies that can support their communication and social skills development. These sessions are also a great way to meet other families with children with Down syndrome.

Suitable for children from 2 - 10 years old.

Cost:  £40 per session 

Duration:  45 minutes

How to Book

To book the webinars and sessions, you need to register on this site and also fill out a referral form. Once we have processed the form, we will send you a confirmation email. You will then be able to see dates for future webinars and sessions on the Noticeboard page after logging in. From there you can book places for the parent training webinars, baby and toddler group and sibling singing sessions. You can also apply for the parent consultation and one-to-one therapy sessions.