Welcome to The Lejeune Clinic

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Early Intervention Sessions for Babies and Children with Down syndrome

The Lejeune Clinic delivers Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Support for
Babies & Children with Down syndrome

Our Clinics focus on developing the child’s language and communication as well as their physical development. Our sessions provide interventions with practical advice and recommendations for parents and carers on how they can help their child with their next stage of development together with practical skills and activities which can be incorporated into their everyday lives.

These combined interventions are proven to have excellent outcomes for the children and enables parents to learn more about their child’s T21 condition and learn how they can practically support them and give them the best start in life. 

We run a variety of sessions including :-

Face to Face Sessions, Parent Training Webinars, Online Early Intervention Therapy Support Sessions, One to One Teletherapy Sessions.


All our Clinics combine practical theraputic strategies
with observations, advice and discussion.


We offer subsidised rates for all our sessions so that all families can afford to attend. We aim to supplement NHS therapy services.
Any families who may struggle with the costs may contact us for further support with session costs

Parent Learning Webinars:

We run a range of online parent learning Sessions.
Past webinar recordings are available by request and a list of these is in our Members Section.






Recording & Notes Now Available For:






To Support

Communication & Behaviour

The session provides practical ideas and insights into how to
support your child or young person with Down syndrome.

Led By

Paediatric Speech & Language Therapist

Jennifer Warwick

Suitable for all ages

Suitable for children of all ages

Session Cost £10 for Recording & Notes



New families must complete our REFERRAL FORM to attend our sessions or receive webinar recordings. 
Once we have processed your form you will be able to apply for any of our sessions.
We will also keep you informed about future events too.

New families very welcome!



Children With 






Led By

Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

Jennifer Warwick

Suitable for all ages

This webinar is centred on the co-occurrance of Down syndrome and Autism

The session helps parents and carers to 
understand the varying presentations of a dual diagnosis.

Learn helpful strategies to support your child or young person's progress.

Suitable for children of all ages

with a diagnosis of autism or where autism is suspected.




Led By

Paediatric Occupational Therapist

Annemarie Sims

Suitable for all ages

This session gives tips on how to help your child to develop their Self-Care Skills;
 includes learning to dress themselves, manage mealtimes, teeth brushing and toileting.

The webinar gives advice to how to promote your child's active involvement, 
discover the next steps and to find ways to help your child's participation.  







AAC can be very helpful to support communication when a child's
communication skills are reduced (even temporarily)
and when a child has speech delay.

This session covers how AAC can be used to support 
functional communication, language development and
social development as well cognative development plus
 learning and literacy development.

This session explains the different types of AAC systems and provides practical ideas
on how you can support your child at home and school or nursery. 

Led By

Paediatric Speech Therapist

Jennifer Warwick

Suitable for all ages




To Develop


Choice boards, Visual timetables... Not sure where to start?

Visual supports can be used as part of a total communication approach including;
 objects, photos, symbols and signs.

They can help with understanding, expressive communication, attention and listening
and social communication.

This session provides practical ideas and support 

how to use Visual Supports to aid Communication. 

Led By

Paediatric Speech Therapist

Jennifer Warwick

Suitable for all ages



All Behaviour is Communication

This session is led by two professionals and gives parents tools to understand
the function of behaviour and how to manage these in day-to-day situations. 

Led By

Paediatric Speech & Language Therapist
Jennifer Warwick


Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Annemarie Sims

Suitable for children of all ages

To request this session contact:


Early Language 

With Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
Jennifer Warwick

Parts 1 & 2

As a parent there is so much you can do to help to support your chid's language development.

Through our two webinar sessions you will learn practical parent/child strategies that you can use to support your child's social communication and language development which are easy to use and can be built into your child's everyday routines whist having fun together. 

The first webinar (part 1) covers:
The foundations of parent/child Interaction strategies.

The second webinar (part 2) covers:
How to make a plan and How to implement the strategies:

Suitable for parents of children from birth to 5 years old.

Cost: £10
Includes Recording & Notes for Both Sessions.

Available on request at:




Occupational Therapy Support

All Things Fine Motor!

Led By

Occupational Therapist

Ann-MArie Baker

Suitable for younger and school age children 

From grasp patterns and dexterity skills... to handwriting.

This webinar explores fun and interesting ways you can
help to promote your child's physical development, 
independence and hand strength.

Covering proprioception and the need to be body aware
prior to starting a fine motor activity.

This webinar touches on a variety of deep-pressure
play positions that you can do with your child. 
and is specifically suitable for younger
and school age children.

The webinar provides ideas and activities for parents and carers to practice with their children
both at home and in their school or nursery. 

Contact us if you would like the recording.


All Recorded Sessions & Notes Cost £10

New families will need to complete our referral form to have access to our sessions or webinar and recordings. 
Once we have processed your form you will be able to join our sessions and access any recordings.
 We will also keep you informed about future events too!



“...A great source of intensive and tailored advice on both learning development and physical development. Great practical advice, useful materials to use at home and ideas for how to continue development.”

Speech & Language Therapy (SALT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) are proven to have hugely beneficial effects on the progress and development of children with Down syndrome. Our targeted sessions are run by specialist therapists and parents are invited to join the sessions to learn about the practical activities that can be incorporated into their child’s everyday life.


The valuable services we provide for our families and their children with Down syndrome is heavily subsidised by the charity.
We survive purely from financial donations and fundraising from the generosity of our supporters.

You can help to support the charity through becoming a donor or by organising a fundraising event.

For Online Donations please use Paypal where you can Give a Donation or set up a Standing Order.

For Fundraisers and Events please use the Pink Give as you Live button where you can set up Donation pages

All donations are enormously appreciated and directly support our families and their precious children with Down syndrome.


Contact Us at  Funding@lejeuneclinic.com

Donate with PayPal

Donate through Give as you Live Donate

Can You Tell People About Us?

Most of our referrals are via this website, our Facebook page or word of mouth. If you know a family who might benefit from our services, please let them know about us.

You can also download copies of our posters for distribution in your community by clicking on the images below.

The poster has been designed to be printed on A5 paper. 
Make sure you have the paper size set to A5 in your printer's settings.

Thank you!


News and Events

Lejeune Clinic funds IHV guildelines release
“Thanks to the Lejeune Clinic, this important publication will be open access to all! “ It is so important that all children with Down Syndrome are given the support they need to live happy and healthy lives. We wanted to ensure all Health Visitors have access...
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Face to Face Early Intervention Groups
Face to Face Early Intervention Groups In person Clinics are held every 2 months at the London Children’s Practice, Sloane Square. Next Sessions: Date: Saturday 28th September Duration: 45 minutes per Session Cost: £40 per Session *Baby Sessions £25 per Session 10.00am: EIG Session: 6-10 years 11.00am: Baby...
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Face-to-Face Baby SALT Group
Face-to-Face Baby SALT Group In person group sessions are held at the London Children’s Practice, Sloane Square.
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Online Baby & Toddler Advice Sessions
Online Baby & Toddler Advice Sessions Early Intervention Therapy Advice for Babies & Toddlers    Next Sessions: Friday 20th September: 10am Saturday 21st September: 10am Subsidised Cost: £10 per Session Duration: 50 minutes - Limited Places Our bespoke online parent advice sessions are an...
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Online Early Intervention Therapy Advice Sessions
Online Early Intervention Therapy Advice Sessions Early Intervention Therapy Sessions Next Sessions:  Friday 20th September 11am:  2-4 years 12pm:  4-6 years Saturday 21st September 11am:  2-4 years 12pm:  4-6 years Subsidised Place per Family: £10 - Limited places available Duration: 50 Minutes...
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